Friday, September 24, 2010


I have now dipped my toes in 5 oceans and/or seas

Rome, Baby!

Down the coast from Fano on A14 and then through the Apennines again to the eternal city.  Rome is the very definition of chaos (more on that later). No wifi in our back-up apartment (first one forgot to tell us they could no longer take us, after accepting our E100 deposit in January).  Landed accidently in the Piazza de la Repubblica, found our way to the new apartment and discovered we can take public transit to main sites (parking is as usual, a Guerrilla situation).

Wine and fabulous dinner at neighbourhood resto then strolled home thru streets alive with Romans.


  1. OK - now I am really starting to turn green! Yikes! The food, the history, the culture... yikes!|

    Too bad about the apartment - but then that is what traveling is all about - adventure!

    Keep 'em coming! Standing by!



  2. P.S. : What's a "Guerilla Station"?

    Just curious...



  3. Perry: Its where you hire overweight monkeys

    Parental Units: Ah Rome... Excellent! Hopefully you have slightly more time there than I did.. 72 hours to cram in 4000 years of history... not nearly enough.
