Sunday, June 19, 2016

London Day 3

Packed up, ate a lackluster breakfast at the B&B, then when we went in search of someone to call us a taxi, discovered that we were alone in the building.  The tenants, owner and bar operators were all absent.  Locked up and trundled down the street to a Hilton where the front desk obligingly called a taxi for us.

Unfortunately, the cab was clearly not operated by someone who had "The Knowledge" which is supposedly required for taxis here.  He also didn't have a meter.  After several mistrials (no, the Dorchester is not the hotel we're looking for) we arrived at the Lancaster Gate Hotel near Hyde Park, 22 pounds poorer..

Once checked-in, we jumped a Tube train five stops to the British Museum stop (Holburn) and walked the 7-8 blocks to the museum, this time after successfully finding Museum Street, which does lead you to the museum, almost.  Still unclear why public transit doesn't drop one at the door to what should surely be a World Heritage Site.

Upstairs to see the special exhibit on Sicily (another 10 Pounds).  The display gave a good cross section of the history of the beleaguered island's history.  A few hours of that had us staggering, so we retreated to a nearby pub for lunch, then reversed our steps to the Tube and struggled back to the hotel.  Exhausted, we decided to forego the pleasures of a two-hour walking tour of Hyde Park offered by the tour group we had joined and put our feet up instead.

Supper en masse tonight, then off on a tour of Cornwall tomorrow.

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